Signing of Contract for Managing Oman Startup Platform

Signing of Contract for Managing Oman Startup Platform

May 28, 2024

In an effort to develop and enhance the ecosystem of tech startups, the Ministry of Transport, Communications, and Information Technology signed a contract to manage the Oman Startup Platform with Al-Jabr Mena Company during the COMEX 2024 exhibition. The Oman Startup Platform project (Osh Platform) aims to connect tech startups in the Sultanate, where startups can meet with supporting entities, investors, advisors, and entrepreneurs to communicate, collaborate, and exchange knowledge and experiences about the tech startup ecosystem. The platform provides supporters and backers with a comprehensive view of the ecosystem as a whole, the startups and their needs, and a scheduled list of related events and activities.


The contract was signed on behalf of the ministry by His Excellency Dr. Ali bin Amer Al-Shaidhani, Undersecretary of the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology, and on behalf of the company by Mr. Mohammed bin Salim Al-Wahaibi, CEO of Al-Jabr Mena Company

It is worth mentioning that a discussion session about the Osh Platform and its role in supporting the tech startup ecosystem was held concurrently with the signing of the contract. The ministry calls on tech startups to update their information on the platform, as it is currently working on updating and developing the platform to better serve tech startups.